Validating translations in React with Rust - Part 1: CLI tool

I’m currently working on a React project that uses react-intl for translations. We have a lot of translations, and we’re adding more every day. Our translation keys and values are manually entered into two JSON files: en.json and sv.json (for English and Swedish, respectively).

Translations in JSON files

These translations are then used in our React components. Most of the time, we use the <FormattedMessage /> component from react-intl to render the translations:

import { FormattedMessage } from "react-intl";

const MyComponent = () => (
    <FormattedMessage id="common.change_password" />

Unfortunately, it’s easy to make mistakes when working like this. For example, you might forget to add a translation for a new string, or you might accidentally use a key that doesn’t exist. These mistakes can be hard to catch, especially if you’re working on a large project with many translations.

The biggest pain points for us are:

  • Missing translations: A key is used in the code but there is no translation for it, resulting in the raw key being rendered to the user.
  • Unused translations: A translation exists but is not used in the code, meaning it’s just making the translation file messier and harder to maintain.
  • Key collisions: Multiple translations have the same key, meaning that one of them will be overwritten by the other.
  • Mismatched files: The keys in the English and Swedish translation files are not in sync, meaning that a key might exist in one file but not the other.

Finding these mistakes manually is tedious and error-prone. We need a way to automate this process. We need a way to validate our translations.

Table of contents

Parsing arguments with clap

After installing clap with cargo add clap --features derive, you simply define a struct with the arguments you want to parse, and then call the parse() method on it:

/// Handle those damn translations...
#[command(version, about)]
struct Args {
    /// Root directory to search from
    #[arg(short, long, default_value = ".")]
    root_dir: PathBuf,
    /// Path to English translation file
    #[arg(short, long)]
    en_file: PathBuf,
    /// Path to Swedish translation file
    #[arg(short, long)]
    sv_file: PathBuf,

fn main() {
    let args = Args::parse();

    println!("root_dir: {:?}", args.root_dir);
    println!("en_file: {:?}", args.en_file);
    println!("sv_file: {:?}", args.sv_file);

Here we are defining three arguments: root_dir, en_file, and sv_file. All three will be parsed as a PathBuf, which is a type provided by the standard library for working with file paths. The triple slash /// comments is used to add documentation and help messages to the CLI.

The root_dir argument is optional and has a default value of . (the current directory). The en_file and sv_file arguments are required, and all three arguments can be specified with either a short flag (e.g. -r) or a long flag (e.g. --root-dir).

This also gives us a nice help message when we run the program with the --help flag:

Handle those damn translations...

Usage: ramilang.exe [OPTIONS] --en-file <EN_FILE> --sv-file <SV_FILE>

  -r, --root-dir <ROOT_DIR>  Root directory to search from [default: .]
  -e, --en-file <EN_FILE>    Path to English translation file
  -s, --sv-file <SV_FILE>    Path to Swedish translation file
  -h, --help                 Print help
  -V, --version              Print version

Reading the translation files

I created a TranslationFile struct to represent a translation file. It contains the path to the file, and a BTreeMap of the translation keys and values:

pub struct TranslationFile {
    pub path: PathBuf,
    pub entries: BTreeMap<String, String>,

The reason for using BTreeMap, a self-balancing tree data structure, is that it keeps the keys sorted without any additional work. Our translation files will now always be sorted alphabetically, making manual inspection easier. This means that writing the entries back to disk, sorted by keys, is as simple as this:

pub fn write(&self) -> Result<()> {
    let serialized_entries = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&self.entries)?;

    let mut file = File::create(&self.path)?;

Creating a TranslationFile is done by providing a path to the file (let translation_file = TranslationFile::new(path);). The implementation of new() is a bit more involved, as it needs to read the file, parse the JSON, and check for duplicate keys:

impl TranslationFile {
    pub fn new(path: PathBuf) -> Result<Self, TranslationFileError> {
        let duplicates = find_key_duplicates(&path);
        if !duplicates.is_empty() {
            return Err(TranslationFileError::DuplicateKeys(path, duplicates));

        let file = std::fs::File::open(&path).expect("Unable to open file");
        let entries = serde_json::from_reader(file).expect("Unable to parse json");

        Ok(Self { path, entries })


I am not satisfied with this implementation, as it reads the file twice. Once to check for duplicate keys inside find_key_duplicates(), and once inside serde_json::from_reader().

Another issue is that I am looking for duplicates here. This is validation logic that should probably not be part of the new() method.

Checking compatibility between files

The TranslationFile struct also has a is_compatible_with() method that checks if the keys in the file are compatible with another TranslationFile. This is used to check if the keys in the English and Swedish translation files are in sync and that no keys have empty values:

/// Compare two translation files and return an error if they are not compatible.
/// Two translation files are compatible if:
/// - They have the same keys
/// - All keys have a non-empty value
pub fn is_compatible_with(
    other: &Self,
) -> Result<(), (Vec<TranslationFileError>, Vec<TranslationFileError>)> {
    let self_errors = self.check_rules(other);
    let other_errors = other.check_rules(self);

    if !self_errors.is_empty() || !other_errors.is_empty() {
        return Err((self_errors, other_errors));


fn check_rules(&self, other: &Self) -> Vec<TranslationFileError> {
    let mut errors = Vec::new();

    for (key, value) in &self.entries {
        // Check matching keys
        if !other.entries.contains_key(key) {
            errors.push(TranslationFileError::MissingKey {
                key: key.clone(),
                missing_in: other.path.clone(),
        // Check non-empty values
        } else if value.is_empty() {


I would like to improve the rules checking here, as it’s not very flexible. For example, it would be nice to be able to specify a list of rules to check (probably in the form of functions that return a TranslationFileError), and then have the check_rules() method iterate over that list and check each rule.

Walking the directory tree

The last piece of the puzzle is finding all the places where a translation key is used in the code. In order to do this, we first need to identify all the files that could contain translations.

This is done with the help of the walkdir crate, which provides an iterator over all the files in a directory tree:

fn is_node_modules(entry: &DirEntry) -> bool {
    entry.file_name() == "node_modules"

let walker = WalkDir::new(args.root_dir)
    // Exclude node_modules
    .filter_entry(|e| !is_node_modules(e))
    // Filter out any non-accessible files
    .filter_map(|e| e.ok());

As can be seen above, we are filtering out the node_modules directory, as we don’t want to check any files in there. The filter_entry() function makes the walker not descend into the filtered directories, thereby potentially saving us quite a bit of time (node_modules often contains a ridiculous amount of files and directories).

We are also filtering out any files that we don’t have access to (e.g. due to permissions). This is done with the filter_map() function, which allows us to filter and map at the same time. The ok() function converts a Result into an Option, turning errors into None, which results in them getting filtered out. Thanks to this, we won’t have to deal with any error handling due to inaccessible files inside the loop processing the files.

Now that we have an iterator over all the files, we can narrow it down to only the files that we are interested in. In this case, we are only interested in files with the .ts or .tsx extension:

static EXTENSIONS_TO_SEARCH: [&str; 2] = ["ts", "tsx"];

for file in walker.filter(|e| e.path().is_file()) {
    if let Some(ext) = file.path().extension() {
        if EXTENSIONS_TO_SEARCH.contains(&ext.to_str().unwrap()) {
            println!("Doing things with {}", file.path().to_str().unwrap());

Finding translation keys in code

Now that we have an iterator over all the files that we want to check, we can start looking for translation keys in the code. We do this by reading each file and searching for patterns that signify the use of a translation key. Unfortunately, there are many different ways to use a translation key in our codebase, so we need to look for multiple patterns.

The TSFile struct

This struct is similar to the TranslationFile struct, but instead of representing a translation file, it represents a TypeScript file. It contains the path to the file, and a File object that we can use to read the file:

pub struct TSFile {
    pub file: File,
    pub path: PathBuf,

Translation keys found in the code are represented by the KeyUsage struct:

pub struct KeyUsage {
    pub key: String,
    pub line: usize,
    pub file_path: PathBuf,

These fields are used to display information about the key usage to the user. By combining the line and file_path fields, we can create a link that takes the user directly to the line where the key is used by simply printing file_path:line in the terminal. This makes fixing invalid key usages a little bit easier.

Finding specific usage patterns

The find_formatted_message_usages() method searches for translation keys used in the <FormattedMessage /> component. It looks for patterns beginning with <FormattedMessage followed by id= to find the keys:

pub fn find_formatted_message_usages(&mut self) -> Vec<KeyUsage> {
    self.find_usages("<FormattedMessage", "id=")

Similarly, the find_format_message_usages() method is tuned to find keys used with the formatMessage() function. It looks for patterns starting with formatMessage( followed by id::

pub fn find_format_message_usages(&mut self) -> Vec<KeyUsage> {
    self.find_usages("formatMessage(", "id:")

For other non-standard usage patterns found in the codebase, the find_misc_usages() method is used. This method checks various identifiers, which might be customized according to your needs. In the future this should be configurable through a config file:

pub fn find_misc_usages(&mut self) -> Vec<KeyUsage> {
    let identifiers = [


Extracting the translation keys

The find_usages() and find_usages_multiple_tags() methods are the core of the key extraction process. They iterate over each line of a file, identifying patterns that signify the use of a translation key and then extracts the key and its usage details (such as the line number and file path).

I apologize in advance for the following method, as it is quite messy and hard to follow. I am not very happy with it, but I haven’t been able to come up with a prettier solution yet:

fn find_usages(&mut self, opening_tag: &str, id_tag: &str) -> Vec<KeyUsage> {
    let mut results = Vec::new();
    let mut found_opening = false;
    let mut found_ternary = false;
    for (line_number, line_result) in BufReader::new(&self.file).lines().enumerate() {
        if let Ok(line) = line_result {
            if line.contains(opening_tag) {
                found_opening = true;

            if found_opening {
                if let Ok((_, key)) = extract_id(&line, id_tag) {
                    results.push(KeyUsage {
                        line: line_number + 1,
                        file_path: self.path.to_path_buf(),
                    found_ternary = false;
                    found_opening = false;
                } else if line.contains('?') {
                    if let Ok((_, key)) = extract_quoted_string(&line) {
                        results.push(KeyUsage {
                            line: line_number + 1,
                            file_path: self.path.to_path_buf(),
                    found_ternary = true;
                } else if found_ternary && line.contains(':') {
                    if let Ok((_, key)) = extract_quoted_string(&line) {
                        results.push(KeyUsage {
                            line: line_number + 1,
                            file_path: self.path.to_path_buf(),
                    found_ternary = false;
                    found_opening = false;
                } else if line.contains("/>") {
                    found_ternary = false;
                    found_opening = false;

This method is used to find both <FormattedMessage /> and formatMessage() usages. The opening_tag parameter is used to identify the start of the usage pattern, and the id_tag parameter is used to identify the start of the translation key.

The method iterates over each line of the file, looking for the opening_tag. Once it finds it, it starts looking for the id_tag. If it finds it, it extracts the key and adds it to the results. If it doesn’t find it, it looks for a ternary operator ? (which is often used to conditionally render a translation in our codebase) and then looks for the id_tag again. If it finds it, it extracts the key and adds it to the results.

Keeping track of the state of the method is done with the found_opening and found_ternary variables. These variables are used to determine if the method is currently looking for an id_tag or if it’s looking for the second part of a ternary operator. If the method finds a /> tag, it resets the state variables, as this means that we failed to find the id_tag and are now looking for a new opening_tag.

Key extraction utilities

To facilitate key extraction, I use a couple of utility functions: extract_id() and extract_quoted_string(). These functions utilize nom to navigate to the desired tags and extract the enclosed keys:

fn extract_id<'a>(input: &'a str, id_tag: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, String> {
    let (input, _) = take_until(id_tag)(input)?;
    let (input, _) = tag(id_tag)(input)?;

    let (input, _) = take_until("\"")(input)?;
    let (input, id) = fenced("\"", "\"")(input)?;

    Ok((input, id.to_string()))

fn extract_quoted_string(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, String> {
    let (input, _) = take_until("\"")(input)?;
    let (input, id) = fenced("\"", "\"")(input)?;

    Ok((input, id.to_string()))

I wanted to try out nom for this project, as I’ve seen really cool examples of it being used to parse complex data structures. However, it might be overkill for this use case, and I’m not sure if it’s worth the extra complexity. I also think that there might be some skill issues in play here, as nom is not the easiest library to work with and this is my first time using it.

This could probably also have been done with something like tree-sitter. I’ve been wanting to try that out as well, but it feels like an even bigger overkill for this use case. If I would expand this project to include an LSP server for instant feedback in the editor, then I would consider using tree-sitter.

Putting it all together

Now that we have all the pieces in place, we can start putting them together. A simplified version of the main() function could look something like this:

static EXTENSIONS_TO_SEARCH: [&str; 2] = ["ts", "tsx"];

fn main() {
    let args = Args::parse();

    let mut en_file = TranslationFile::new(args.en_file).unwrap();
    let mut sv_file = TranslationFile::new(args.sv_file).unwrap();


    let walker = WalkDir::new(args.root_dir)
        .filter_entry(|e| !is_node_modules(e))
        .filter_map(|e| e.ok());

    let mut key_usages = Vec::new();
    for file in walker.filter(|e| e.path().is_file()) {
        if let Some(ext) = file.path().extension() {
            if EXTENSIONS_TO_SEARCH.contains(&ext.to_str().unwrap()) {
                let mut ts_file = TSFile::new(file.path());

                // collect key usages from different methods
                let formatted_message_keys = ts_file.find_formatted_message_usages();
                let format_message_keys = ts_file.find_format_message_usages();
                let misc_usages = ts_file.find_misc_usages();

                // extend the key_usages vector with the findings

    // check that all usages are valid
    let mut n_invalid_usages = 0;

    let entries = en_translation_file.as_ref().unwrap().entries.clone(); // hehe
    key_usages.iter().for_each(|usage| {
        if !entries.contains_key(usage.key.as_str()) {
                "[INVALID] key {} does not exist! {}",
            n_invalid_usages += 1;

    if n_invalid_usages != 0 {
            style(format!(": {} invalid key usages!", n_invalid_usages)).bold(),

I have obviously omitted a ton of code here, but you get the idea. In the real version, there are a lot of pretty printing to the terminal (using the console crate), finding unused keys, and ignoring certain keys present in a config file (among other things). You can find the full source code for the CLI tool here if you are interested. It’s still a work in progress, but it’s already usable and has helped us find a lot of issues in our translations.

Hopefully this post has shown you that Rust is not that scary, and that not a lot of code is needed to build something quite useful with it (even for someone like me who has very limited experience with the language).

How I turn this Rust code into a cross-platform npm package and use it in our CI will be covered in the next part of this series. I will probably also write a third part about how I bundled a frontend built with htmx for editing translations into the final binary.